MHC's Blog


Welcome to Mercy Hill Chapel's blog.

Why a blog?
There are three reasons the elders at MHC wanted to launch a blog.  
1.  There is repeatedly a need to communicate news and information that will fit the setting of a blog better than the settings of social media or email.
2. MHC’s blog will serve the church by providing content for further discipleship.
3.  The blog will serve as an organizing platform for resources that help the church in its mission. Functionally, the blog will be a hub for resources that will be searchable and easily accessible.

How to use it?
Our goal is to post useful content for the MHC community. Some of the posts may be helpful to a wider audience, but we primarily have MHC in mind when we decide what to post. Here are some ways to maximize this ministry. First, check back regularly. Posts will be regular. Second, share helpful posts through social media to make others aware of the content. And finally, take advantage of the “category” and “tag”  features to find and use content.

Our goal is that God uses this project for his glory and our good.